WMS/WHS Early Release on 2/28/25

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WMS/WHS Early Release on 2/28/25

Jan 28, 2025
WMS, WHS early release 2/28/25, school bus photo

We want to remind our Middle/High school families about the early release that we announced in our December and January District Newsletters. In case you missed it, the Board approved an early release for WMS/WHS at their November Board meeting.

2/28/2025 WMS/WHS Early Release: WMS/WHS students will be released at 12:45 on Friday, 2/28/2025. The early release will allow us to clear our buses and students from the WHS and WMS buildings and lots before District Wrestling Tournament participants and spectators begin arriving, ensuring the safety of our students.

(Denver and Holmes will release at their regular time on that day.)

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