Weather Delay / Cancel

ice on tree, foggy road, snow in the field and student with large coat

Closing or Delay Information

  • Online - On the Wilmington City Schools website. Check the yellow alert banner at the top of the website.
  • Blackboard Connect Autodialer (students automatically added via DASL)
    It's critical that you keep your phone number updated in our systems in order to receive important school messages.
  • Visit the Blackboard Community Message page to update any information.
  • WCS Inclement Weather Hotline (937) 283-7549
  • Cincinnati/Dayton area TV stations

Check out our FAQs (document link)

snow on road, school buses lined up, snow in a backyard

2 Hour Delay

Weather Delay Schedule (2 Hour Delay)
The Wilmington City Schools, on some inclement weather days, will be implementing a delay schedule for all buildings. 

There is more daylight as our students travel to school on foot, in cars or by school bus.  The improved visibility may help eliminate some potential driving and walking hazards. This schedule will allow local road crews more time to service the roads before school begins.

In the event of a 2 hour delay, there will be no AM preschool and no breakfast service.  Afternoon pre-school will be held at the regular time. Dismissal times will remain the same for all students.

Bus pick-up: 2 hours after normal time

Elementary Schools:  Start time 11:15
Dismissal time - normal schedule

Middle/High Schools:  Start time 9:50
Dismissal time - normal schedule


  • Does the school have your current phone number?  Make sure to update your child's school with this information so that you receive important school day alerts.
  • Have a plan and discuss it with your kids:  Decide on your  childcare plans in the event of a delay, cancellation, or early dismissal?  
  • Have a few games, activities, and books tucked away to keep them busy and productive in the event that school is cancelled.
  • Watch the temperature and make sure that you plan for enough warm clothes, gloves, hats, scarves, boots, etc to keep kids toasty at the bus stop or on their walk to school.
  • Please be patient.  Wet, snowy weather can occasionally cause slower bus routes. Safety is our first priority.
  • If you're driving on snowy/icy roads (anytime, actually) be extra aware of children walking to school or waiting for a bus.
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