District News

District News

School supplies - link to school supply page

Looking for School Supplies? We've got your lists for 2024-25.

Volunteer to make a difference, (mentoring puzzle piece - links to form)

Wilmington City Schools offers an intervention called Check & Connect that may be used with K-12 students who show warning signs of disengagement with school based on attendance, grades, and disciplin...

graphic of car driving to school - link to placard form

We are getting ready for another great year at Wilmington City School Elementary Buildings. Please review the information below to begin to get ready for your child’s school year.

Placard Pick-Up


Interim Supt. Tim Dettwiller

The Wilmington City Schools Board of Education has selected Mr. Tim Dettwiller as the district’s interim superintendent for the 2024-2025 school year, effective August 1, 2024.

Mr. Dettwiller succeed...

new start and end times 2024-25

With the closing of East End, the district took the opportunity to re-evaluate our school and transportation schedules. In reviewing both schedules, the district has made some minor adjustments in sch...

Did you know slide - image of school lunch service

"Community Eligibility is a provision that helps schools and districts in high poverty communities meet eligibility to serve no-cost lunches and breakfasts to all their students." - education.ohio.gov...

District newsletter slide - links to newsletter

Catch up on our District news in the June 2024 Newsletter. In this edition you'll find:

  • Board News
  • Graduation 2024 Recap
  • Small Changes, Big Impact (2024-25 School Schedule)
  • Summer Office Schedul...
image of student taking a test, ACT and ASVAB test prep opportunity - link to sign up form

For parents of incoming WHS 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students
We are pleased to announce that we have a great summer opportunity for your student to get a jumpstart on the new school year. Through an...

Tim Wiederhold

Welcome to our newest Board Member, Tim Wiederhold! Tim will be completing the unexpired term (through 2025) of Brian Shidaker, who has taken another position elsewhere. Tim is a strong advocate for W...

Summer Lunch program - link to menu page

The Wilmington City School District is offering lunch free of charge to all children 18 years and under in the Wilmington community, Monday through Friday, beginning Tuesday, May 28th through Friday A...

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